თუ საქართველოში ხართ და გადაწყვეტთ ბუნების მშვენიერების, ისტორიული ქალაქების, ძველი ეკლესია-მონასტრების და ქართული ტრადიციების ნახვას, აუცილებლად უნდა ეწვიოთ კახეთს. სულ რაღაც 8-9 საათში მოგზაურებს შეუძლიათ დაათვალიერონ VI საუკუნის საოცარი კლდეში ნაკვეთი დავით გარეჯის მონასტერი, გარეჯის უდაბნო, XVIII საუკუნის ქალაქი სიღნაღი და გაეცნონ ქართულ ტრადიციებს.
The tour to David Gareji Monastery and Sighnaghi includes 4 important cultural monuments of Kakheti region Davit Gareja Monastery complex, village Badiauri, Monastery of Bodbe and city Sighnaghi.
Departure from Tbilisi early in the morning, to the direction of Gareja desert (driving distance 100 km). Davit-Gareja is rock-hewn Georgian Orthodox monastery complex. The complex was established in the 6th century by David, one of the thirteen Assyrian monks, who arrived in the country at the same time and preached the name of Christ. The monasteries are located in a semi-desert and consist of 19 religious buildings. The greatest monastery activity, but after the invasions of conquerors, the complex was destroyed and robbed. However, Davit-Gareja is one of the stunning historical-cultural monuments in Georgia.
Afterwards, drive to Sighnaghi 100 km away from Tbilisi. On the way shortstop in village Badiauri. In this village, you can see how Georgian bread is baked.
From Badiauri continue your way to Bodbe. Visit one of the most famous monastery in the Georgia, Bodbe Monastery, the holy place for Georgian people, because there is buried St. Nino, who brought Christianity in Georgia in the middle of 4th century. According to legend she had healing properties. The church acquired its current shape in the 9th century.
At last tourists will have an opportunity to visit Sighnaghi. Buildings in the city built in the style of southern Italian classicism with Georgian elements. The city is surrounded with a high defending wall, 4 km in length. The wall was rebuilt by King Erekle II in 1772. Famous for its eponymous castle, this is included in the list of the most famous and largest forts in Georgia.
A few years ago, Sighnaghi was restored and constructed. Since then a lot of tourists have visited the city to enjoy the stunning panorama, which opens on Alazani Valley. The town’s architecture is unique with old and the modern components. Today Sighnaghi has additional status: it is known as a “City of Love”.
Duration: 8-10 hours
Driving distance: 330 km
Season: All year around
What's Included into the tour to David Gareja Monastery and Sighnaghi:
• Hotel pick-up and drop-off;
• Transportation In modern, air-conditioned coach;
• Petrol Costs;
• Qualified Guiding service (English, German, Italian, Russian);
• A bottle of water per traveller.
What's Not Included into the tour to David Gareja Monastery and Sighnaghi:
•Travel insurance;
• Meals and drinks;
• Costs for wine tasting.
დავით გარეჯის მონასტერის მონახულება
პურის ცხობა სოფელ ბადიაურში
ბოდბის მონასტერის მონახულება
წმინდა ნინოს საფლავის მონახულება
ვიზიტი ქალაქ სიღნაღში
ალაზნის ველის პანორამიდან გადმოხედვა
დასაჯავშნად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია